Toronto Roofing

Friday, 09 July 2010 23:18

Toronto custom copper roof parapet wall caps Featured

Written by Marcin
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These custom copper flat roof parapet wall caps installed on a coach house in the Annex, Toronto are an example of the custom copper and metal work done by our highly trained and experienced coppersmiths.  M&R Roofing provides various high quality roofing services.

Our Annex, Toronto client contacted us to scrap the old metal parapet wall caps from the flat roof of his coach house and install new copper caps.  Copper is a premium alloy used in roof related flashing and ornamentation.  Many clients prefer the more expensive and durable alloy because it looks stunning with natural materials such as slate and cedar.  Even in this example it looks great on the aged brick and defintely suits the character of the grand Annex, Toronto home.  The video showcases or highly trained and experienced coppersmith installing the prefabricated custom parapet wall caps on the flat roof.  All the caps are custom fabricated at our facilities according.  M&R Roofing is capable of meeting all your custom copper and metal work requests, so please contact us and view our copper and metal work portfolio.

Last modified on Saturday, 10 July 2010 17:15


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