Eavestroughshttps://www.mandrroofing.ca/Eavestroughs.html2015-09-18T17:07:31ZJoomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content ManagementSmart Screen. Eavestrough, gutter leaf screens for Toronto roofs2010-06-06T20:25:28Z2010-06-06T20:25:28Zhttps://www.mandrroofing.ca/Eavestroughs/Smart-Screen.-Eavestrough-gutter-leaf-screens-for-Toronto-roofs.htmlMarcin <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.mandrroofing.ca//media/k2/items/cache/4965657af186b9092c7a96976ffe881c_S.jpg" alt="Smart Screen. Eavestrough, gutter leaf screens for Toronto roofs"/></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Many downtown Toronto and Oakville homes are situated in areas surrounded by tall trees, thus leaf clogged eavestroughs, gutters and downspouts are inevitable without the <a href="http://www.thesmartscreen.com/home/index.php">Smart Screen<sup>TM </sup> gutter protection system</a>.
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<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">We have installed these screens for many of our clients and eliminated the hassle and costs of having their eavestroughs cleaned twice a year to prevent overflow of eavestrough and potential water damage to the home. The Smart Screen<sup>TM </sup> screens come in 6 foot length pieces and are easy to install. Simply screw them down onto the conventional eavestroughs using 3/8” or 5/8” screws in the fabricated holes. This system is very affordale, they retail for about $10 per piece. We have encountered many other leaf screen systems which simply do not work. These ones do. We highly recommend that you get these screens installed when have your roof replaced by us. They are also available at select stores such as Canadian Tire, Home Hardware and Lowe’s should you wish to install them yourself. Install them and be glad you did when the fall rolls around.</span></p>
<p><img src="https://www.mandrroofing.ca/images/stories/smartscreenoverview001.jpg" /></p><div><div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.mandrroofing.ca//media/k2/items/cache/4965657af186b9092c7a96976ffe881c_S.jpg" alt="Smart Screen. Eavestrough, gutter leaf screens for Toronto roofs"/></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Many downtown Toronto and Oakville homes are situated in areas surrounded by tall trees, thus leaf clogged eavestroughs, gutters and downspouts are inevitable without the <a href="http://www.thesmartscreen.com/home/index.php">Smart Screen<sup>TM </sup> gutter protection system</a>.
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<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">We have installed these screens for many of our clients and eliminated the hassle and costs of having their eavestroughs cleaned twice a year to prevent overflow of eavestrough and potential water damage to the home. The Smart Screen<sup>TM </sup> screens come in 6 foot length pieces and are easy to install. Simply screw them down onto the conventional eavestroughs using 3/8” or 5/8” screws in the fabricated holes. This system is very affordale, they retail for about $10 per piece. We have encountered many other leaf screen systems which simply do not work. These ones do. We highly recommend that you get these screens installed when have your roof replaced by us. They are also available at select stores such as Canadian Tire, Home Hardware and Lowe’s should you wish to install them yourself. Install them and be glad you did when the fall rolls around.</span></p>
<p><img src="https://www.mandrroofing.ca/images/stories/smartscreenoverview001.jpg" /></p><div>Bad installation: Heating cables clogging downspout and overflowing roof eavestrough2010-06-05T16:20:39Z2010-06-05T16:20:39Zhttps://www.mandrroofing.ca/Eavestroughs/Bad-installation-Heating-cables-clogging-downspout-and-overflowing-roof-eavestrough.htmlUploaded from Apple Iphone by Marcin<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Here is something we came across this past winter in Cabbagetown Toronto, heating cables which were clearly not working because they had not been installed into the downspout and eavestrough. The previous contractor had stuffed them in the drain pipe and caused blockage of the downspout and overflow of the eavestrough. Yikes! </span></p>
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<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">
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The client had initially called us because of a frequently overflowing eavesthrough. The design of the Owl Lane townhomes in Cabbagetown Toronto was such that water from two flat roofs was draining into one small eavestrough and down the single downspout. We correctly suspected the amount of water was too great to be draining into such a small eavestrough and single downspout. However, the main contributor to the overflow was the heating cables that the previous contractor stuffed into the drain. Despite regular cleaning of eavesthrough some leaves still go into the downspout and rested on top of the bundled heating cables. At times of rain the downspout was full of water all the way to the top and the eavesthrough was overflowing. We remedied the problem by removing the heating wires, and properly installing a new downspout and the largest possible eavestrough and running new heating cables. No more overflowing eavestrough!</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><img src="https://www.mandrroofing.ca/images/stories/heating-cables-for-downspout-roof.jpg" /><br /></span></p><div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Here is something we came across this past winter in Cabbagetown Toronto, heating cables which were clearly not working because they had not been installed into the downspout and eavestrough. The previous contractor had stuffed them in the drain pipe and caused blockage of the downspout and overflow of the eavestrough. Yikes! </span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">
<object height="364" width="445" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,32,18" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000">
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<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">
<div><div class="K2FeedFullText">
The client had initially called us because of a frequently overflowing eavesthrough. The design of the Owl Lane townhomes in Cabbagetown Toronto was such that water from two flat roofs was draining into one small eavestrough and down the single downspout. We correctly suspected the amount of water was too great to be draining into such a small eavestrough and single downspout. However, the main contributor to the overflow was the heating cables that the previous contractor stuffed into the drain. Despite regular cleaning of eavesthrough some leaves still go into the downspout and rested on top of the bundled heating cables. At times of rain the downspout was full of water all the way to the top and the eavesthrough was overflowing. We remedied the problem by removing the heating wires, and properly installing a new downspout and the largest possible eavestrough and running new heating cables. No more overflowing eavestrough!</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><img src="https://www.mandrroofing.ca/images/stories/heating-cables-for-downspout-roof.jpg" /><br /></span></p><div>